The Odyssey of a Family:

Into Abyssinia

by Carl E. Hansen

In this autobiographical book, the author gives an informative and lively account of the first eight years of his and his family's living and serving in pre-revolutionary feudal Ethiopia. It is a story of adventure as a novice missionary couple learns and adapts to a vastly different culture while raising a family in the less developed hinterlands.
The events take place from 1967 to 1975, a pivotal time in Ethiopia’s history; a time marked by growing discontent with feudalism and the ancient imperial regime that supported it. It was a time of growing turmoil that, in the midst of drought and famine, spilled over into an armed revolution; a time when ignorant men with guns over-powered the best minds and forced a tradition-bound society to join in a bloody experiment with radical socialism.
It was a time when the slow and difficult years of missionary effort in planting the seeds of the Christian gospel began to sprout and take root and grow into what would become a mighty movement of transformation in that society.

About the Book

What People Are Saying

This is a book that will interest anyone interested in learning about missionary work and Ethiopia, one of the poorest counties in the world. You understand the hope and help that missionaries bring to those even in the most dire circumstances.

T.R. Syre, Sr.

I enjoyed the Abyssinia book. I related with the poor roads, continuous work load, the dilemma in raising and schooling children, and the change of assignments in mission. I am thankful God leads us and opens doors as we make decisions, sometimes not knowing what’s next. He is Faithful.

Charlotte Plumber, former Wycliff Missionary

"Great descriptive writing and very interesting!"

- Vernane Stutzman, foster care worker, mother, grandmother, and sister-in-law

"Great Story! I love this! Please write more. You write as if I were there!"

- Michael Thiessen, nephew 

"Thanks for sharing! I could almost see the sights and smell the smells!"

Cindy Rude Martin, friend and mother